Dr Jeldah Nyamache
On May 31st, the world marked the World No-Tobacco Day. This is a day dedicated to create awareness on the dangers of using tobacco with the aim of getting more people to quit the dangerous habit. But this is a conversation that cannot be undertaken once in a year. It is one that must be continuous to ensure more and more people get to stop the dangerous practice. Allow me to therefore give you a not-so-gentle reminder of why you need to quit smoking.
The dangers associated with smoking are well known. In fact, if you smoke, you have likely heard the pleas from friends, family and health professionals to quit. You probably know that smoking makes heart disease, stroke, cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and other killers more likely. You might even know that smoking is the number one cause of preventable death in the and worldwide.
But knowing about long-term risks may not be enough to nudge you to quit. It can be hard to feel truly frightened by illnesses that may strike decades later. And quitting smoking is hard, no doubt about that. In fact, some people don’t see the point in quitting because they have been smoking for so long. However, it is important to note that it is never too late to stop smoking and improve your quality of life.
There are many benefits of quitting smoking and one that many are probably already aware of is that you have a chance to increase your life expectancy once you quit smoking. Tobacco products contain dozens of dangerous chemicals that make you more prone to potentially fatal illnesses. If you smoke, you have a shorter life expectancy than non-smokers. If you quit, you can extend your life expectancy—and the sooner you do it, the more years you may recapture.
A study conducted in 2013 by the Centre for Global Health Research and published in the New England Journal of Medicine, shows that people who quit before they turn 40 lower their risk of dying from a smoking-related cause by about 90%. At 50, people can regain six years of life expectancy. At 60, it’s three years. If you have a heart attack related to smoking, you can cut the chance of a second heart attack in half if you quit.
For those who love doing exercise need to remember that smoking has been proven to limit one’s fitness levels. You become out of breathe easier and quicker, making any physical activities much harder. In fact, some smokers feel out of breath from simply walking up the stairs. But within 10 months of quitting, your lung capacity will start to increase and in the process improve your breathing abilities.
On the same note, you may be interested to realize that quitting tobacco smoking improves one’s sexual life greatly. This is because it improves your blood circulation, which increases sensitivity, leading to a happy sexual life. Studies have also shown that non-smokers are three times more appealing to a prospective partner than smokers.
But aside from these benefits that come with you quitting smoking, it is also important to note that if you stop smoking, you’re not only protecting yourself. You’re also protecting those around you, including your loved ones. This is because breathing in second-hand smoke has been proven to increase the risk of lung cancer and heart disease by 24% and 25% respectively – in children and adults. Studies have shown that children in specific are most at risk from second-hand smoke because they breathe faster than adults and therefore take in more of the harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke.
Despite all of the excellent reasons I have highlighted to quit smoking, I understand that kicking the habit is no easy task. However, this means that the pride you feel after quitting successfully is even more satisfying. So, take it upon yourself, make it a deliberate effort to stop the bad habit for your own sake and that of your loved ones.
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Nyakongo Towers, 2 nd floor, Kisii
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