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Avoid Stress to Protect Your Mental Health

2021-08-21 18:38:49

Dr Jeldah Nyamache

The month of April has been recognized as the Stress Awareness Month since 1992. The purpose for this is to raise awareness about stress, learning to cope with our stress and finding healthy ways to deal with these situations. A major reason that led to this recognition is that stress is one of the health issues that does not get the attention it deserves. Despite it being the most common challenge, it is one that is often ignored as one that can lead to greater mental problems.

But what exactly is stress? Simply put, stress is the body’s response to a challenge or demand. Everyone experiences stress, which can be triggered by a range of events, ranging from small daily hassles to major changes such as increased workloads, illness, accidents, problems with relationships, family, money or housing. Even seemingly small daily hassles like someone pushing in a queue can make us feel stressed. The stress response includes physical components such an elevated heart rate and blood pressure, thoughts and personal beliefs about the stressful event, and emotions, including fear and anger.

While stress is not a psychiatric diagnosis, numerous research have shown that it is closely linked to our mental health as it can cause mental health problems, or make existing ones worse. For instance, if you often struggle to manage feelings of stress, you might develop mental health problems like anxiety or depression. Admittedly, it is impossible for an individual to completely avoid stress. However, is t critical that we are able to manage our levels of stress to avoid even worse mental health problems as a result.

There are lots of ways to manage stress or help anyone who is stressed. The first thing is to try and identify the underlying causes of your stress and tackle them. Great way is to sort the possible reasons for your stress into three categories; those with a practical solution, those that will get better given time and those that you can’t do anything about. Try releasing the worry of those in the second and third groups and let them go. Avoiding the problem entirely may make the situation worse.

However, often it isn’t possible to change a situation and prevent stress. But, there are many other ways to help control it, and stress management may be effective in improving general health. Talking to someone you trust is one of the best ways to relieve stress. Talking things through openly with someone we trust can help us see things differently and find new solutions. Even just knowing that somebody is there to listen can make a huge difference. Giving someone who is feeling stressed your time and undivided attention is one of the best things you can do to support them.

Taking a break is also a perfect way to relieve yourself of stress. In the current fast-moving world that calls for multi-tasking, we endure increasing tension both at work and home. As we struggle to accomplish more in the same amount of time, we often eliminate breaks from our work schedule. However, research indicates that short, frequent breaks actually help us get more accomplished by reducing stress and helping us concentrate better.

Further, it is important to avoid as alcohol and drugs as a means of dealing with stress. While this may seem to help, they can create additional problems and increase the stress you are already feeling. On the same note, it is crucial to generally take care of your physical health. Healthy eating, enough sleep and regular exercises have been proven to improve your state of mind when faced with stressful situations.

Over and above, it is important to recognize when you need more help. If you try by yourself to deal with your stress but still find it difficult, it is important to seek professional help from a psychologist or counsellor who can help you out.

As we mark the Stress Awareness Month therefore, make it personal priority to be wary of our stress levels in order to protect our mental well-being.

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