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Mental Health Matters: Tips of Dealing with Mental Health Challenges

4 Minutes
2020-09-23 19:14:48

Dr. Mokeira Nyamache

The mind is our most powerful ally and good mental health leads to an incredible life. With our fast-paced and 24/7 work-life culture, many people have multiple jobs and increased working hours. The overuse of social media leads to continuous bombarding of the mind with information. These are only some of the daily threats to our mental health. It is easy to take our mental health for granted; protecting and strengthening it could not be more important. A person with good mental health can cope better with the daily challenges whereas being mentally unhealthy can make every day functioning difficult. Mental health status of a person not only affects him/her but also those around him/her. It is a major factor affecting relationships, achievements and even physical health. Protecting and strengthening it could not be more important. Life doesn’t pull its punches so here are some simple and easy ways to look after your mental health. 

Accept who you are and value yourself We are all unique. It is healthy to accept that and quit trying to be someone else. Self-acceptance is the first step towards self-improvement and increased self-esteem. Do not try to fit into a box created by society. It can be a slow process but keep working at it by focusing on your strengths. Treating self with respect and kindness is most essential in today’s world.

Feel the Rush Do and enjoy the things that you like. Discover new hobbies and be creative as it helps the brain to be calm and deal with stress. Adventures like mountain climbing or leisurely activities such as swimming, exercise and even a nature walk are of great importance. Simply feeling the rush naturally will help to improve mental health.

 Feeling Stressed? Smile Stress is a part of our reality so dealing with it and finding our own way to cope is necessary. Having an active lifestyle helps in dealing with everyday stress. Regular exercise, meditation and other relaxation techniques can help deal with stress. Just enjoying a hobby and nurturing the creative self can effectively reduce stress. A smile is the best stress buster and laughter is the best medicine.

Talk About It Talking about problems and worries can help to maintain good mental health. Opening up to someone can help manage stress effectively and sometimes may even help in changing perspective. Surround yourself with good people and be in touch with trusted friends and family. Maintaining open communication lines is key to building a strong social support network.

Maintain a full emotional tank Good experiences, memories, times of laughter, moments of enjoyment and anything that makes us feel good or happy adds to our emotional tank. The more of these we get, the fuller the tank, the happier we are. Keeping this tank full is a personal responsibility; keep alert to its level so that each time it is running low you can do something to fill it up again.

Break Up With Monotony  Routines make us efficient but they are tedious and at times can causes stress. Monotonous lifestyle can cause tension and restlessness. Altering and making small changes in daily routines can help in dealing with such stress. Even small changes like a jog on a new path, trying out new restaurants, making new friends and taking road trips can perk up a tedious schedule.

 Aim High-But Be Realistic We often dream and set our academic, social and financial goals high. The setting of high goals and not being able to achieve them can lead to depression or a sense of failure. Hence; set goals that are realistic and work on them every day in order to achieve them. Even small wins cause a tremendous sense of accomplishment and help increase a sense of self-worth; celebrate them.

Mindfulness  It is self-awareness training. Be in the present and do not dwell on the past or be in constant worry about the future. Pay full attention to things going on in the present. It is a very effective way of dealing with depression and helps to be fully aware of the surroundings. It keeps the mind positive and effective.

 Avoid Self Medication Self-medication may seem effective for a shorter time period but can cause long-lasting damage on a person’s mental as well as physical health. Sometimes people use alcohol and drugs to self-medicate which can easily lead to increasing of the problems rather than curing them.

Ask For Help Seeking help is a sign of strength and not weakness and treatment is effective. People who get appropriate care can recover from mental illness and addiction and lead full and rewarding lives. We need to care about mental health. After all, there is no health without mental health

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