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COVID -19 (Part 3c): Why You Really Need That Good Sleep

5 Minutes
2020-06-26 09:04:10

 Dr Mokeira J. Nyamache

I confidentially did my self-prescribed investigations just to be sure that indeed it was fatigue and hypoglycaemia. My vitals were perfect, there was no anaemia, my blood sugar levels were normal and there was nothing pointing to the syndromes or illnesses that are often of common onset at that age. I even called my dad to check on genetic illnesses in our family that I might not have been aware of.  All was fine.

Infection Prevention and Control

Thinking back I cannot help wondering what it would have been like if I had collapsed on a patient with a disease as contagious as COVID-19. In the line of duty I would have been contaminated, because I was too tired to be safe. I would have also contaminated my team that was at hand to assist me, while they mostly depended on my decisions and guidance. Mark you in those days I did not know as much information on Quality Management Systems in primary healthcare settings, Infection Prevention and Control as I do now. I safely got by through observation and God’s grace. On occasion of course there would be a senior colleague to teach a valuable lesson usually on management of medical conditions and rarely was reference made to quality management. 

 The expectation of course was that you already knew; you had the title ‘’daktari’’, and so the environment was not enabling for questions on ‘’basics’’ while there were more life-threatening details to discuss. The heaviest protective gear was mostly the cotton theatre gowns we would wear on top of our scrubs and an improvised apron made from the bin liners. Surgical masks, a rewashable head cover, surgical gloves and boots completed the ensemble for high-risk areas; i.e theatre. This ensemble was for the surgeon and the assistant. If materials were few, the assistant would have to do with less. A few times I noticed dried up pieces of body tissue on the theatre gowns and drapes.

 Sometimes they would be semi-dry, because the autoclave was not working well enough…but we trusted, and the patient’s life was at stake. It was also not surprising to notice blood stains here and there while washing hands after taking off the theatre gown and gloves. This is because the sleeves were sometimes too short to adequately stay tucked in to the gloves during maneuvers. If a splash of body fluid happened to the eyes or forehead in the poorly ventilated theatre where sweat dripping down the forehead was norm then one had to hope that the splash could not cause infection. In such situations, I would re-check the patients file for history of contagious diseases; and at that time my biggest fear was HIV and Hepatitis B (which was rarely diagnosed given our laboratory’s limitations). If I had reason to feel unsafe then I would go over to the pharmacy and explain the exposure before starting myself on the tough course of Post Exposure Prophylaxis for 28 days.

There weren’t many other disease that were as dreaded when exposure and a breach of Infection Prevention Measures as we knew them happened. That is just how it was over there, and I had never had to deal with known highly infectious diseases. The anesthetist being a key member of the team was often comfortable in only scrubs; pockets loaded with a tourniquet, cannulas and a stethoscope around the neck; open shoes, a head cover and a mask that was mostly covering the chin than the nose and mouth. Gloves were seemingly not essential for this colleague though he/she had to touch the patient from time to time. 

Different strokes for different folks.

 Out of theatre, the risk was perceived as little. Examining patients without any protective gear was common. Many times, I would palpate fundal heights and listen for the fetal heart with only my sleeves rolled up, stethoscope balancing on my neck supported by one hand while my ear was placed against the fundoscope hinged on the gravid abdomen. Sometimes I even had open shoes during ward rounds and related procedures. I shudder to think the number of splashes I came into direct skin contact with.

Ignorance was bliss; but I digress.

 Forgetfulness and lack of attention while going about duties where your ability to think, remember and process information for correct decisions becomes affected due to lack of sufficient sleep. To be safe as a worker, these are the times to sleep well. For the health worker especially, you will need to be alert and strong in order to use Personal Protective Equipment properly, to follow Infection Prevention and Control measures to the letter, to give your patients the quality of care they trust you for and to be a strong link in your team.

 Sufficient sleep is not a luxury.

 Consistent sleep-wake patterns of going to bed late and waking up early can lead to lack of enough sleep. Stimulants like coffee and energy drinks as well as environmental factors like too much noise could also be a cause.

 So, how do you get enough sleep?

 Find a good comfortable spot, switch off your gadgets, fall into a bedtime relaxation routine, and accept that tomorrow is also another opportunity to deliver more good quality work. Many people depend on you and so it is necessary to be healthy, alert and able to make the right decisions. While sleep needs vary from person to person and across ages it is advisable that adults should sleep at least 8 hours a day. Babies require more sleeping time of at least 14 hours a day and as they continue to develop and grow this changes. During this COVID-19 Pandemic, where everything is uncertain and situations are rapidly evolving, we may find ourselves depriving our bodies of the much-needed resting time.

 Getting enough quality sleep is vital as it helps protect our mental, emotional and physical health while also improving our quality of life and safety while navigating this season. Please let us learn to sleep well. Inadequate sleep may cause more long term and serious health problems, and it could directly or indirectly increase the risks associated with COVID-19 by affecting memory, immunity, physical strength and emotional stability. These may cause problems in putting on and taking off  Personal Protective Equipment correctly and following the strict Infection Prevention and Control measures in place; problems thinking through actions and plans as well as problems delivering on programs to be implemented. All these translate to being less than one’s own best performer…and the cycle continues. Falling casualty to the health consequences of sleep deprivation is sad because while you deal with them the rest of the world will move forward, it might even replace you in the process.  


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