Dr. Jeldah Nyamache
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a reported increase in the number of cases of gender based violence all over the world. And while there are many factors that could be contributing to this rise, one aspect that has certainly played a major role is mental health challenges. The Covid-19 pandemic has ripped through almost every country on the planet, causing devastating decay to the mental health of many people.
As governments around the world instituted tough measures to curb the spread of the virus such as lockdowns, travel and gathering restrictions, many people found themselves in situations they have never been before or one which they are not used to. But while these measures are necessary to reduce the spread of the virus, they have also had serious psychological and socially disruptive consequences. For instance, before the pandemic, most people had not been used to spending a lot of time at home and many of their regular social activities were no longer available. Not only that, the pandemic also led to many people losing their jobs and livelihoods, further complicating their mental situation.
The stress due to health risks and economic uncertainty triggered conflicts within households as survivors were trapped in the same space as perpetrators, and therefore facing a greater risk of abuse.
Apart from the mental effects of the Covid-19, there are also other factors such as divorce, poverty, financial difficulties, that lead to increased mental health issues such as stress, depression and drugs and alcohol abuse which in turn contribute to increased gender based violence.
While there should be no justification for gender based violence, there is no denying the fact that mental health is a major contributing factor as seen during the Covid-19 period. It is for this reason that it is important that mental health awareness should be considered as key in efforts towards tackling gender based violence.
Increased mental health awareness would lead to a much more mentally stable population and in the process reduce the risk of increase in gender based violence. This is because mental stability allows people to reason properly when faced with difficult situations.
Aspects such as empathy, self-esteem, compassion, emotional regulation and resilience, stress management, relationship building, and challenging problematic social norms are crucial in ensuring a stable mental status. Furthermore, competencies such as rapport building, emotional nurturing, and the prevention of trauma are important for the successful implementation of gender based violence prevention programs.
Most gender based violence cases occur as a result of couples not understanding what their partner is going through mentally. It is important that couples living together are trained to understand their partner’s mental state and to regulate their own emotions. The primary mental health support should come from the partners themselves. Understanding one another is a first step in preventing gender based violence as a means of tackling issues.
Further, it is critical that the space of mental health services is opened up to allow more people access to mental health assistance. Most countries including Kenya still lag behind when it comes to provision of mental health services. This therefore denies many the critical services and in the process contributes to increased gender based violence.
More importantly, it is critical that experts, and policy makers dealing with gender based violence understand the importance of integrating mental health support in efforts to tackle the menace. Continued overlooking of this aspect which is a major contributor to gender based violence only serves to derail these efforts.
Milestone support and wellness centre Family health options hospital-Nairobi west Mai mahiu road
Nyakongo Towers, 2 nd floor, Kisii
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