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Adressing Gender-Based Violence In The Context Of Covid-19

2 Minutes
2020-09-29 16:31:20

Dr. Mokeira Nyamache

The occurrence of GBV during disasters is poorly understood though common. Its prevalence varies from country to country and in some instances it has been deprioritized during disasters leaving vulnerable male and female  groups including adolescents and young people; groups that are discriminated against or criminalized at higher risk. The lack of adequate information increases the vulnerability of these at risk groups. The World Health Organization reported a spike in GBV cases during the pandemic calling for urgent action from all stakeholders.

 What might have caused the exponential increase in GBV? Women typically take on more physical, psychological and emotional burdens as caregivers during health crises. These pre-existing social norms and gender inequalities; the economic and social stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; restricted movement and social isolation measures have heavily contributed to the rise in numbers. In addition, confinement as a result of restricted movements means the vulnerable people have more exposure to abusers in their homes and communities. Loss of income during this pandemic has also contributed to higher stress levels. Without adequate psychosocial support, the stress easily leads to poor mental health which is manifested by violence including GBV; psychoactive substance use; mood disorders like depression and anxiety; homicide and suicide. Limited access to normal support services for GBV recovery such as medical and legal services has been another contributor. The limitation is due to movement restrictions, lack of money, fear of repercussions of reporting and ignorance. It is also important to note that most such services have been overburdened by responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

So how do we address gender-based violence (GBV) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic? Prevention and mitigation initiatives need to be integrated across sectors to achieve the following Awareness raising and sensitization: We need to accept that GBV exists and that it is a problem that requires solutions. Normalizing discussions about GBV in the community will help in reducing stigma and affected people will be more encouraged to speak up and seek help. People also need to be informed on availability of help and how they can access it.

Targeted GBVR services: Different populations groups need different approaches. This is especially so in consideration of our diverse cultures. Tailoring interventions to respective groups will get better reception. These interventions should include, among others, emergency centers for the reception of victims at risks, safe accommodation for survivors, a hotline for information, and an emergency line to report abuse.

Psycho-social support: Creating enabling environments for people to freely discuss GBV, offering care and support to the affected; building structures that aid recovery and reintegration into the society; changing social norms that foster GBV in society Promoting good mental health: Building self-awareness, healthy boundaries, resilience, stress management and proactive debriefing goes a long way in protecting vulnerable people from GBV To address GBV in such a time therefore requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders. Disaster response and recovery planning must ensure that those impacted by this problem are not forgotten.  

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Adressing Gender-Based Violence In The Context Of Covid-19
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