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Parents at the Core of Promoting Children's Health

2020-09-06 13:31:05
Amidst the chaos caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a huge section of the population who have to face the brunt of the indirect effect which has not only exposed the broken health systems, but also the wide inequities that exist amongst ourselves. Access and utilization of   healthcare services apart from those related to COVID-19 has been highly affected. A major group of services that that has been adversely affected is that of child health. Many children have missed their growth and monitoring clinic appointments because their parents lost income and are finding it difficult to maintain their children's healthy lifestyles including the required regular check-ups. Movement restrictions in some areas have also made it difficult to access health facilities especially in lower economic settings. At the time of this writing, approximately 1.7 million people were on record in Kenya as having lost their jobs between April and June 2020. This means that many of their dependents including children were affected in one way or the other. This may have further caused difficulties in health seeking behavior for these children because some of the costs associated like transport, medication, rehabilitation and good nutrition suddenly became difficult to meet. The case is worse for situations where the children have special needs or are on follow up for a chronic health issue. [caption id="attachment_2740" align="aligncenter" width="444"] Picture: Courtesy[/caption] How can parents promote the health of their children during the COVID-19 pandemic? The core responsibility of providing a loving and safe environment for children to grow is strenuous to fulfill during these uncertain times. Promotion of health and wellness of children requires the right nutrition, health education, keeping track of immunization and clinic schedules and encouraging them to adopt healthy behaviors. It is true that times are hard and some things are beyond our control within the home environment. However, there are a few easy steps we can take towards safeguarding our children’s health and wellbeing. Educating children on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle is crucial in cultivating the habit of healthy choices.  Age appropriate conversations and training can be used to achieve this around the home. Remember that children learn what they see and practice. Subjects like physical exercise; personal and environmental hygiene; safety measures like use of seat belts and biking helmets; limiting screen time on television and other gadgets; life skills such as how to deal with frustration; conflict resolution; communication and negotiation; self-awareness; nutrition with locally available and affordable options; avoiding harmful substances such as tobacco and alcohol; and consultations about health can all be discussed with children in an easy and fun way around the home. Parents can take deliberate steps to note as well as create opportunities for such learning. They should also sensitize other adults in the home to apply the same principles so that there is consistency and reinforcement of teachings. Additionally, the conversations should be complemented by actions. When children see their parents participate in physical exercise such as playing with them, they are likely to follow suit and develop similar habits. Eating meals together with the children gives a great opportunity to monitor their eating habits and discuss some of the choices. Encourage eating healthy locally available and affordable food and explain to children the economic importance of making such choices. This will help develop a sense of resource management and sustainable choices in time. Preventive medical care which has an impact on overall health is achieved through health promotion and vaccination. While regular check-ups may not be possible during this pandemic, it is important to make the children aware that they are important and should be expected as soon as opportunity allows. This will help cultivate the habit of wellness checks as a normal part of their lives even in future. The benefit of this is that any medical conditions can be diagnosed early and complications averted. It also provides opportunity for updating of vaccinations. In conclusion; it is necessary to set clear expectations, enforce rules and set good examples in order for children to learn about health promotion around the home. The early years of life are crucial in laying a solid foundation for healthy physical, mental, and social-emotional development. Healthy children grow into healthy adults.
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