Dr. Mokeira Nyamache
Smoking is a common habit most of us have encountered. It might be our friends, family members or even ourselves indulging. We have also heard severally that it is bad for our health; but just how bad is it? In recent times and particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, health experts have warned that smokers are more susceptible to contracting the virus. I felt it is just right to amplify the message. Smoking seems cool, fun, glamorous and adventurous. Its true image however should depict stained teeth, constant coughing, bad breathe, fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, nervousness, and damaged organs as numerous researches have shown. It affects all organs in the body and nothing about that true image is glamorous. The effect of this dangerous habit on the immune system is suppression such that one is more vulnerable to infections and worse complications that they would have otherwise fought off. COVID-19 which primarily affects the respiratory organs is one such infection. Quitting This can be difficult for some people because of the known withdrawal symptoms that are experienced by the body as a result of dependency on nicotine found in the tobacco. It can be unpleasant and even dangerous to suddenly quit if one is addicted to any substances including nicotine. Symptoms of substance withdrawal include irritability, frequent headaches, fatigue, body pains, restlessness, tremors, sweating and vomiting to mention but a few. So how can one quit safely?
It is important to note that there is no fixed time to fully quit because different people have different thresholds and respond differently to withdrawal. The most important thing is to remain committed and to continuously make deliberate steps to finally and completely quit with the help of a doctor. The sooner one can achieve this the better. Benefits of quitting There are several benefits to physical and mental health that are definitely worth the effort in quitting.
Smoking is dangerous to health. The negative effects associated with it are definitely a good reason to stop.
Milestone support and wellness centre Family health options hospital-Nairobi west Mai mahiu road
Nyakongo Towers, 2 nd floor, Kisii
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